Tour overview

Egypt Tours with Nile Cruise

An 8-day Egypt tour with Nile Cruise includes Cairo Luxor and Aswan.
visit to the Pyramids of Giza and the Egyptian Museum. and in Luxor will visit the Valley of the Kings and the temples of Luxor and Karnak. Travelers on a Nile cruise explore ancient sites along the way. The Egypt tour with Nile Cruise also includes visits to the High Dam, the Philae Temple, . This itinerary allows travelers to experience the best of Egypt’s ancient history and culture while enjoying the comfort and convenience of a cruise ship.

Tour starts every day of the week. Arrivals on Any date upon your request.

Duration: 8 days Egypt Tours with Nile Cruise
4 nights Cairo 
3 nights Nile Cruise
Tour guide: All Languages available
7 Breakfasts | 3 Lunches | 3 Dinners.
Flights: Cairo to Aswan / Luxor to Cairo 
Private Tour: Egypt private tours

Nile Cruise Egypt 

Embark on an unforgettable adventure with Egypt tours with Nile cruise, experiencing the timeless beauty of the ancient wonders along the iconic river.

1. Day – Arrival day in Cairo 
Upon your arrival at the Cairo International Airport, look at the sign of ” Noga Tours Egypt ” which will be your recognize sign, will be greeted by our tour representative who will assist you with immigration and customs procedures. You will then be transferred to your hotel in Cairo, check in hotel, and overnight.
2. Day – Tour to Pyramids, Saqqara Pyramids, Memphis City 
Pyramids Day Tour: Morning after breakfast in Hotel.
Start your full-day tour to visit The Great Pyramids of Giza.
The Seven Wonders of the World The Three Pyramids, the Big one is the “khufu pyramid”, and the middle is Chephren Pyramid the son, and, and Mycrenos Pyramid the third son of Chephren king.
After that, it will drive to the Sphinx, “Sphinx” a statue stone which is in the human head with the body of a lion. The oldest and largest carvings in Egypt. And this is the time of the Sphinx kiss.
Later drive to Saqqara, which is one section of the great necropolis of Memphis.
Saqqara Pyramid was built by Zoser I in 2700 BC.
Saqqara is considered the oldest and first pyramid in the world.
Afternoon drives to Memphis –”Memphis City” is the capital of the ancient kingdom. You will see the big statues of “Ramses II”, it was one of the most important cities throughout the History of ancient Egypt.
Evening transfer to your hotel and overnight.
3. Day –: Cairo to Aswan / Star Nile River cruise 
Nile Cruise Tour
Morning breakfast in the hotel 
Transfer from your hotel to Cairo airport For a short flight to Aswan, flight at 7.00 am Arrive in Aswan at 8.30 am. Upon arrival start your tour to Explore Aswan to visit Philae Temple on Angelika Island, enjoy a cruise towards Agilika Island by boat, and enjoy the Nile River and the wonderful views. Later drive to Aswan High Dam passing by the old Dam of Aswan. Transfer to your Nile Cruise and embarkation.Lunch on board 
Afternoon Tea
Dinner on board & Nubian folkloric show.
Overnight in Aswan (On Board).
4. Day – Aswan sails to kom ombo
Breakfast on Board
At 2.00 pm star sails to Kom Ombo, throw sailing enjoy the view of the Nile River.
Afternoon tea.
Arrive Kom Ombo at 7.00 pm
Start visiting Kom Ombo Temple which is dedicated to the two gods Sobek the crocodile god and Harveris, the Sun god.
Back to the ship and enjoy your Dinner
Egyptian Galabeya Party Show
Sails to Edfu
Overnight in Edfu (On Board).
5. Day – Edfu tour and sails to Luxor 
Breakfast on board
Visit the Temple of Edfu on the western bank of the Nile dedicated to the god hours.
Back to the ship and start sail to Luxor.
Afternoon tea.
Arrive Luxor and visit East Bank – Karnak Temple & Luxor Temple
Dinner on board
Belly Dance Show
Arrive in Luxor and overnight.
6. Day – Luxor tour / Flight back to Cairo
Breakfast on board
Disembarkation from the Nile cruise
Start tour to visit the West Bank – The Valley of the Kings 
The temple of Queen Hatshepsut at El-Deir El-Bahari and the Colossi Memnon.
At 4.00 pm transfer to Luxor airport accompanied by our Representative.
Board flight to Cairo. it takes 1-hour flight from Luxor to Cairo
Arrive in Cairo around 5.00 pm 
Meet and assist at Cairo Airport and transfer to your hotel.
Check-in in your hotel and overnight.
7. Day – Cairo Tour to Egyptian Museum Citadel of Saladin with Coptic Cairo
Morning breakfast in the hotel 
meet our tour guide in the hotel start the Cairo tour to the Egyptian Museum, one of the most famous museums in the world for its antiquities dating back some 50 centuries from Egypt’s, it is located in Tahrir Square, It contains a number of rare Pharaonic artifacts and mummies and The rooms feature Tutankhamun.
Later, drive to Islamic Cairo to visit the Citadel of Saladin and the Alabaster Mosque, which were once occupied by Mamluk and Ottoman palaces.Continue to drive to Coptic Cairo, to visit the Church of St. Mary or El-Moallaqah the most popular name for this church is the Hanging Church.
Visit the Church of St. Sergius, established at the end of the 4th century.
The same area will visit Ben Ezra synagogue.
The synagogue was originally a church called the “Church of the Blind” and was sold by the Orthodox Church to the Jewish community.
Transfer back to your hotel and overnight.
8. Day – Departure Day
Breakfast in the hotel, meet our representative to transfer to Cairo airport to fly back home with your wonderful memories.

Bon Voyage 

Tour Prices 

Prices Per Person

Per person in a double room 

Quoted in 2 persons 

4 Stars 5 stars
1100 $ 1250 $

Cairo hotels 

4 stars Hotel in Cairo
Barcelo Pyramids Hotel Cairo 
Oasis Hotel
Turquoise Pyramids Hotel
5 stars Hotel in Cairo 
Sonesta Hotel & Casino 
Or a Similar 5 stars hotel, All hotels include an open buffet breakfast.


Egypt Nile Cruise 

5-Star Deluxe Nile Cruise:

 – M/S Princess Sarah – Blue Shadow

– Nile Cruise from Aswan to Luxor.

– Stop at Kom Ombo, Esna, & Edfu.

– Full board Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

– Delicious & varied open buffet

– Special food for vegetarians

– Options for Indian cuisine.

– Daily cultural parties.

– Belly dance , Nubian Show .

– Galabeya party, Tanoura show .

– Cruise departs from Aswan every Friday, Monday, and Wednesday.

Egypt Tour Highlights
Cairo Attractions
Pyramids of Giza
Saqqara pyramids
The Egyptian Museum
Citadel of Saladin
Memphis city
Coptic Cairo
Islamic Cairo
Luxor Attractions
Karnak Temple
Luxor Temple
The Valley of the Kings
Hatshepsut Temple
Colossi of Memnon
West Bank
East Bank
Aswan Attractions
Philae Temple
High dam Aswan
Unfinished Obelisk
Edfu Temple
Kom Ombo Temple
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  • 4 night's hotel in Cairo
  • 3 nights Nile Cruise Aswan to Luxor
  • Meet and assist at Egypt airports.
  • Local Transportation
  • Professional Guide
  • Entrance Fees
  • Pyramids Day Tour
  • Cairo Day Tour
  • Luxor tour
  • Karnak and Luxor Temple
  • Flight Cairo to Aswan
  • Flight Luxor to Cairo

Not Included

  • Guide Gratuity
  • Visa Entry
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